2025 Fairview Research Farm Trials & Demonstrations
PCBFA's Research Farm is situated on 270 acres, owned by the Municipal District of Fairview. Our Research Farm is located 2 miles west of Fairview on Highway 64A, and north ¾ of a mile on Range Road 35. While we rotate our research plots, currently the majority of our trials are located on the south side of the farm, bordering the Fairview Airport.
Our 2025
PCBFA conducts a series of research trials, recommended by local producers and industry leaders. The objectives of each project surround evaluating forage production, impacts on soil health, and crop performance in the Peace Region. Key projects include testing soil amendments, biostimulants, assessing crop varieties, exploring silvopasture benefits, and studying innovative approaches like ultra-early winter cereal seeding, pasture rejuvenation and more.
Project: Exploring the Agronomic and Soil Health Benefits of Penergetic Biological Amendments on Crop Production in The Peace
Location: Fairview
Objective: Evaluating yield and soil effects from Penergetic Products

Project: Ecosystems Services and Longevity of Perennial Forges
Location: Fairview & DeBolt
Objective: Testing the forage quality and longevity of perennial grasses, legumes, and mixtures

Project: Replenish Nutrient Product
Location: Fairview & Brownvale
Objective: Assessing Replenish Nutrient products on forage production and soil health

Project: Canola Demonstrational Trial
Location: Fairview
Objective: Testing yield for round-up ready and liberty link canola varieties

Project: Ultra Early Winter Cereal Seeding
Location: Fairview
Objective: Evaluating the yield of winter cereals for livestock feed

Project: Liming of Agricultural Soils
Location: Sexsmith
Objective: Evaluating impacts of liming on forage productivity and soil changes

Project: Silvopasture
Location: High Prairie
Objective: Forage Production and Ecosystem Services of Silvopasture

Project: Biostimulants and Soil Amendments on canola
Location: Fairview
Objective: Effects of Different Biostimulants and Soil Amendments on Canola Production

Project: Improving Saline Soils
Location: Brownvale
Objective: Rejuvenating Saline Soils with Saline-Tolerant Forages Spring Winter Cereal Mixes

Project: Saddle Hills Variety Trials
Location: Saddle Hills County
Objective: Near Fourth Creek Community Hall, in these trials, we will be studying varieties of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats and Canola for their performance in the Saddle Hills region.

Project: Saddle Hills Pasture & Hay Land Rejuvenation Trials
Location: Saddle Hills County
Objective: Evaluating different rejuvenation methods

Cover Crop Guide
The Peace Country Cocktail Cover Crop Guide is a comprehensive resource for farmers in the Alberta Peace Region, providing research-based recommendations for growing multi-species cover crops to improve forage production and soil health. Developed by the Peace Country Beef & Forage Association, this guide offers insights on species selection, soil management, and best practices to maximize the benefits of cocktail cover cropping.