Grant Gaschnitz Memorial Ag Knowledge Sponsorship
Grant Gaschnitz was a prominent figure across the Peace Region, and had a significant impact on the agriculture community. He was a champion of strengthening Peace Country farms and ranches, ensuring the region got the attention it deserved, and was especially dedicated to
encouraging and supporting young people in becoming successful and thriving farmers and ranchers.
The sponsorship will be administered by the Peace Country Beef & Forage Association, an organization that was strongly supported by Grant; Grant was a member for many years, sat on the board of directors, and was awarded a lifetime membership. The Peace Country Beef & Forage Association is a non-profit, producer run group that strives to provide leading edge, credible and locally

useful information to Peace Country producers, through applied research and extension programs. The Gaschnitz family would like to continue to offer the support Grant
offered for our young producers for so many years by creating a sponsorship that will support an endeavor that a young Peace Country farmer or rancher wants to pursue that will help him/her to succeed with their operation and further their education and management skills.
Application Criteria:
Must be a resident of the Alberta Peace Region
Must be an agricultural producer
Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 40
Application must ask for support in pursuing further education in an agriculture related area
This education could be a producer course or conference OR post-secondary program (degree or diploma) that will further their knowledge and management skills related to farming or ranching in the Peace Country
Open to anyone interested in furthering agriculture knowledge; applicants do not have to be enrolled in a post-secondary institution.
Sponsorship Details:
Funds will be forwarded upon completion of the course/conference, with at least one receipt and proof of enrollment/registration provided
One sponsorship will be awarded each year in the amount of $500.
Deadline to Apply is October 1, 2025
Recipient will be Announced at PCBFA's Annual General Meeting on November 29, 2025.
If you would like to make a donation to the Grant Gaschnitz Memorial Fund, please make a cheque payable to:
Grant Gaschnitz Memorial Ag Knowledge Sponsorship
Box 3000
Fairview, AB T0H 1L0.